4. Console I/O#

IO stands for input/output. C provides only mechanism to interact through console using its standard library. C does not provide ways to have GUI although that is possible with various GUI libraries most notable being GTK. However, discussing about GTK is out of scope of this book. In this chapter we will focus on console output facilities of C because any program we write at this stage will be meaningless if it has no input/output. Typically when we interact with a C program we give input using keyboard which is also referred as texttt{stdin} stream. The output is monitor or texttt{stdout} stream. There is one more stream texttt{stderr} which is generally redirected to monitor or a log file. For historical reasons these are known as texttt{FILE} stream which represents the datatype of these streams. texttt{FILE} is capable of representing other streams which are disk based for example a file on your hard drive. There are more type of input devices on a modern computer. For example, network i/o is there. Whenever you browse web or download a file through your Internet connection network i/o comes into play. There is an opengroup which specifies functions for network related functions. Operating systems like GNU/Linux are POSIX compatible which defines how network i/o will be used. Even a printer is a special output device, a camera input, speakers output, microphone input and so on. In this books we are concerned with keyboard input, output on monitor and i/o using files. Other types of i/os are out of scope of this book.

However, before we go on with i/o I would like to present C’s memory model which will be needed by our discussion of i/o related functions. However, if things do not make sense even then please go through it and come later to understand more.

4.1. C’s Memory Model#

As you may be knowing RAM(random access memory) is the area which is used as primary memory. Whenever we execute a program the first thing which happens is that it gets loaded into memory. Now a binary program becomes a process when it is running i.e. a running program is referred as process. All processes have memory area divided into different portions. These portions are known as data segment, stack and code or text segment. Data segment is further split in three parts; initialized data segment, uninitialized data segment or BSS which is name after an ancient assembler Block Started by Symbol and heap. Initialized data segment contains initialized global variables and static variables. For uninitialized data segment it is same as above just that the variables are not initialized explicitly but implicitly to zero.

Heap is the largest area of memory used for dynamic memory allocation. As you will see later that you can manage heap using malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and {free(). Note that operating system does not manage memory allocated for you on heap. You, the programmer, are responsible for allocating and freeing up memory in area. If heap gets full os will use virtual memory or swap space on hard disk. Objects allocated on heap persist across function calls. However, there are some very nasty problems, which, come in picture when you use heap. There are several of them. You may forget to allocate memory and may dereference unallocated pointer. You may have initialized it to NULL and try to dereference that. You may allocate and free twice. You forgot to set pointer to ``NULL`` after freeing it. And last but not the least you loose all pointers to the memory area before you can free. The nature with this particular problem is that if your program is going to run for long time then it is going to consume more and more memory. Because of its nature it is known as memory leak. It is very difficult to detect such problems in code which does not run for long periods of time. Our friend Valgrind will come to help up with this problem. When a memory leak happens it eats up RAM slowly and then operating system has to use virtual memory as explained above. In a nutshell, I will say that heap means you have to manage it.

Figure made with TikZ

Stack is relatively simple. All non-static and non-register variables go on stack if not allocated dynamically. Stack variables do not retain there value across function calls unless they are passed as pointers. Also, when they go out of scope, that is the scope in which they were declared ends, they will be kind of lost. The way in which stack frame moves the same area will be used for new variables. However, stack is very limited (compared to heap) and in deeply nested function calls or recursion (you will see these in Functions chapter) stack may get full and program may crash. The reason for crashing is that operating system will not use virtual memory but will do a segmentation fault in its place. GNU/Linux allow its users to modify the stack size by ulimit command. Note that stack and heap are adjacent in memory and grow in opposite direction.

Code segment or text segment is an area where the executable instructions of program reside. It is typically constant and read-only area unless your system allows self-modifying code. Following diagram shows the memory layout.

Note that this memory model not only applies to C but any process.

Now we will look at those functions, which, allow us to do console i/o. We will begin with our familiar friends; printf and scanf.

In this chapter we will look at only those functions, which, allow us to do console i/o. We will begin with our familiar friends printf and scanf.

4.2. printf#

The prototype of printf is given by

int printf(const char* fmt, ...);

Let us take a minute to understand this as we have not yet covered functions. The first word is int which denotes the return type of the printf function. This is no. of characters printed. Then we have name of the function. fmt is the format string of type const char. In C, strings are either character arrays or character pointers. Here, const means printf will not modify the format string. The ... means variable no. of arguments, which can be 0 also, to be supplied to printf.

printf is a string based output function that is It writes character strings to stdout. The data which has to be written is formatted by format string as shown previously. After the format specifier it expects as many arguments as specified in format string. The characters which are not like, say %d for example, arecalled ordinary characters. These are simply copied to output stream, which, is stdout for printf. The %d like conversion characters are known as conversion specification or format specifiers. Each conversion specification should be augmented with one one argument. The results are undefined if there are insufficient arguments for the format. If extra arguments are given the excess arguments will be evaluated but are otherwise ignored. However, there is a big problem here! There is no type-safety.:-( In general compiler will warn you about it and you, the programmer, are responsible for giving correct format string, correct no. of correct type of arguments. Consider the following program for example:

// printf demo
// Author: Shiv Shankar Dayal
// Description: printf demo

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  printf("%d %d\n", 3, 8);

  //do not mess it. undefined behavior
  printf("%d %d\n", 5);

  //extra arguments ignored
  printf("%d %d\n", 3, 5, "hello");

  //legal because char is integer type
  printf("%d\n", 's');

  //wrap around of integer as char
  printf("%c\n", 836);

  //do not mess with type-safety
  int i = printf("%d\n", "hello");
  prinf("%d\n", i);

  return 0;

now that if you give the command like gcc printf.c then you will be shown following warnings:

printf.c:12:14: warning: more '%' conversions than data arguments [-Wformat]
        printf("%d %d\n", 5);
printf.c:15:26: warning: data argument not used by format string [-Wformat-extra-args]
        printf("%d %d\n", 3, 5, "hello");
             ~~~~~~~~~        ^
printf.c:24:19: warning: conversion specifies type 'int' but the argument has type
'char *' [-Wformat]
      int i = printf("%d\n", "hello");
                      ~^     ~~~~~~~
3 warnings generated.

Clearly this is not a good sign for any program. A program should compile cleanly. In our case compiler is generating binary even though there are warnings. You can make compiler generate more warnings by issuing a -Wall flag. You can also treat all warnings as errors by passing -Werror to compiler. These two options will ensure that your code has no warnings. Now let us move to output and try to understand it. The output on my system is as given below. It may differ on your system:

3 8
5 8
3 5

First printf is correct as expected. The second line causes undefined behavior. You may think it is the previous 8 but believe me it is not guaranteed that it will always the case. Ii is UNDEFINED. Third printf is also fine in the sense that extra argument is ignored. Fourth and fifth are normal. Sixth is again a big problem. You are trying to print a decimal integer while argument is a character string. There is no way for compiler to determine that what should be printed which will fit on standards. Now we will have to take a look at all possible format specifier and their meanings. You have seen most of them so this is more for a reference. I have taken following from http://www3.opengroup.org and modified to suit the book. In particular, I have omitted facts related to XSI specification.

A full detail of all conversion specification is given in specification at The fprintf function \(\S(\text{iso.})\), which lists fprintf function but conversion specifiers are same as printf.

In real-world most of the time the conversion specifiers are kept simple. Given below is a sample program showing some of the things given above:

I suggest you to read the desciption of conversion specifiers and experiment with various parameters to get different kind of output.

4.3. scanf#

The prototype of scanf is given below which is very similar to printf.

int scanf(const char * restrict format, ...);

scanf() is sister of printf(). They work in tandem. As its name says scan function it scans stdin or keyboard for input. Its signature is same as that of printf(). It raeds bytes from keyboard input, interprets them according to format string. It also expects a set of pointer arguments as opposed to values for printf(). The pointers indicate where the interpreted data from the input will be stored. The result is UNDEFINED if there are less number of pointer arguments than the number of conversion specifers in format string. Excess arguments will be evaluated but ignored. The format string can have only white-space characters or an ordinary character (neither ‘%’ nor a white-space character) or a conversion specification.

The full detail of conversion specification can be found at The fscanf function \(\S(\text{iso.})\) which lists fscanf function but conversion specifiers are same for both.

Time for some code. You have already seen many examples of scanf so I will just explain some concepts here. Consider the following program:

// Author: Shiv S. Dayal
// Description: Demo of string input

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char str[128] = {0};

  scanf("%s", str);
  printf("You entered:\n%s\n", str);

  return 0;

and the output is:

Hi! My name is Shiv.
You entered:

It is certainly not the corect output. We had expected to see like: “Hi! My name is Shiv.”. What happend to input string after “Hi!”. Well, in a form given above for scanf() it will stop taking input after white-space for character strings. For numerics it does not matter as it does not match the format. For characters it is character-by-character so no confusion either. So what if you want to have the entire string including white-spaces. Use [^n] as given below:

// Author: Shiv S. Dayal
// Description: Corrected demo of string input

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char str[128] = {0};

  scanf("%[^\n]s", str);
  printf("You entered:\n%s\n", str);

  return 0;

and the output is:

Hi! My name is Shiv.
You entered:
Hi! My name is Shiv.

What if you want to filter a string based on certain patterns. For example, a charcater string does not contain more that a single space, English alphabets, period and digits. To scan such a string you can define a pttern as program given below shows:

// Author: Shiv. S Dayal
// Description: Demo of []

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char c[100]={0};

  scanf("%[ A-Za-z0-9!.]", c);
  printf("%s\n", c);

  return 0;

and the output is:

Hi! My name is Shiv! My phone no. is 1234. %^$&*
Hi! My name is Shiv! My phone no. is 1234.

There is also a major problem associated with input and that comes when you have characters involved. Consider the following program:

// Author: Shiv S. Dayal
// Description: Demo of scanf() function

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int   i = 0;
  float f = 0.0;
  char  c1 = '\0';
  char  c2 = '\0';
  char  c3 = '\0';

  printf("Enter an integer, a float and three character one by one:\n");

  scanf("%d", &i);
  scanf("%f", &f);
  scanf("%c", &c1);
  scanf("%c", &c2);
  scanf("%c", &c3);

  printf("You entered\n");
  printf("%d\n", i);
  printf("%f\n", f);
  printf("%c\n", c1);
  printf("%c\n", c2);
  printf("%c\n", c3);

  return 0;

and the output is:

You entered


What is happening here is that newline entered by our RET key is getting assigned to c1 and c3. That is why the program accepted only second character. The enter after float f; was assigned to c1 and the character entered to c2 and then the RET newline to c3. There is a very simple way to recover from this:

// Author: Shiv S. Dayal
// Description: Demo of scanf() function

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int   i = 0;
  float f = 0.0;
  char  c1 = '\0';
  char  c2 = '\0';
  char  c3 = '\0';

  printf("Enter an integer, a float and three character one by one:\n");
  scanf("%d", &i);
  scanf("%f", &f);
  scanf(" %c", &c1);
  scanf(" %c", &c2);
  scanf(" %c", &c3);

  printf("%d\n", i);
  printf("%f\n", f);
  printf("%c\n", c1);
  printf("%c\n", c2);
  printf("%c\n", c3);

  return 0;

The whitespace character shown will eat up all the white-space given after the previous input. This concludes our discussion on printf() and scanf(). Now we will move to another set of i/o functions which take character string without filtering and print it to screen without filtering. What I am going to discuss are gets(), fgets(), puts() and fputs().

4.4. Character String I/O Functions#

These functions are very simple compared to printf() and scanf(). They take a pointer to a character array or a character pointer and fill it with input or print it to monitor. Note that gets() and puts() work only with stdin and stdout respectively while fgets() and fputs() work with FILE streams. They can read and write to file streams that is. Here is a sample program:

// Author: Shiv S. Dayal
// Description : Demo of string i/o
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  char cStack[1024] = "";
  char *cHeap = (char*)malloc(sizeof(1024));


  cHeap = fgets(cHeap, 1024, stdin);
  fputs(cHeap, stdout);

  return 0;

and the output is:


First "Hi!" and "Hello!" are keyboard inputs. Do not worry about array and pointer syntax at the moment. Just see the difference between function calls. Their is a problem with gets() that it can cause buffer overflow. If input is bigger than 1024 bytes including the null terminator then buffer overflow will happen. Note how you can prevent it with fgets() by specifying the number of characters you want to read. Rest of input will be ignored by fgets(). This is a security hole and therefore you should never ever use gets().

Time for single character input/output.

4.5. Single Character I/O#

There are several functions for single character i/o. They are getc(), putc(), getchar(), putchar(), fgetc() and fputc(). Apart from getchar() and putchar() rest can do any FILE stream-based i/o. Let us see them as they are mostly trivial.

// Author: Shiv S. Dayal
// Description: Single character funciton demo

int main()
  char c ='';

  c = getchar();

  c = getchar();

  c = fgetc(stdin);
  fputc(c, stdout);

  c = getchar();

  c = getc(stdin);
  putc(c, stdout);

  return 0;

and the output is:


The first 4, 5 and 6 were keyboard inputs. Note the use of extra getchar() and putchar() to handle the situation we faced during scanf().

So we have seen many functions and programs for console i/o. File i/o is still there and will be covered later. This chapter ends here. See you in the next chapter with operators and expressions.:-)